Wednesday, July 27

What a delightful day.

I had the day off today so that I could go to my substance abuse screening appointment, as per court order, to find out how many hours of classes I need to take as deemed by a counselor who decides how fucked up you are. Apparently I'm not too bad, because I was only assigned 16 hours, which will be taken over a course of two Sundays. Looks like it's a good thing that I wasn't able to do the other 9 days in jail. I was pleasantly surprised by what she gave me because the shortest amount of classes I have ever seen anyone get in the City of Tempe is about 8 months worth of them. Yay!

For those of you who know me even the slightest will not have to guess why I enjoyed this movie so much. I hadn't even heard of it until I went to check movie times. My brother also had the day off today, so we went to a matinee movie.

I spent a bit of my evening at Coffee Society drinking scrumptious chai and reading more about South America.

Tuesday, July 26

I have found the most delightful book. It will be of vast help in the planning process. I already got wrapped up in it with a chai tea at Coffee Society, I lost track of time and was the last to leave.


Friday, July 22

Thought this was funny, and it is.

Your Boobies' Names Are: Bambi and Thumper

I think that I have finally figured out that I am not trying to figure out what I am going to do for the rest of my life, just the next 6 months. I think thinking about the rest of my life is screwing up the planning process. Six months, I'd be happy with that.

I don't think that I'm going back to school. But my alcohol class screening is next Wednesday, so I'll be able to make a more informed decision next week.

P.S. The rain and wind were beautiful and crazy tonight, I wish that I wasn't at work when it was really storming, that would have been fun to spend more time watching.

Wednesday, July 20

Oh, ice cream and chocolate syrup, just as fun as always. Yay to Kelly, Molly and Vega for some good times.

In other news, I'm in one of those funks where I just have to laugh at myself. I'm being indecisive and just feel like I want to be really fussy, even though I don't really have any good reason to warrant the fussiness. Oh well, Ashley gets it. Love!


Saturday, July 16

WTF mate?

Friday, July 15

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the new version) is fantastic. Kelly, Guillermo, Jake, Heather and I saw it at 12:01. Don't worry, no spoilers.

In some ways it is darker, as it has been described, but in other ways I found it much more cheery. I will say that I found it much funnier than the original and it has upheld that nothing will make me like Johnny Depp any less. I was most impressed with the makeup and lighting. These characters look just amazing. Kudos to the makeup artists and lighting technicians, they did a tremendous job.

I am excited to see it again to see the little things that I missed.

Also, I have decided what to be for Halloween and I am excited.

Wednesday, July 13

I never have been one to crave money or material things. Sure there's a thing or two that would be nice to have, that I might even want, but I've never felt a "need" for them.

I very much need to be more financially stable right now. I have more than enough money to just get by on, barring more run-ins with the law, considering that I pay 3 bills a month, one of which is a $4.95 subscription to ESPN Insider and Magazine. But I cannot stand living at home. My brother is driving me much less crazy, but still is. I think that the only time this house ever gets cleaned is when it is done by yours-truly, which I did today.

Today I vaccuumed the entire house, and as per usual I guilt my dad in to cleaning the kitchen (a room that I rarely ever use, considering that I eat most of my meals at the restaurant that I work at) after I have cleaned the house. I scrubbed my brother and my bathroom, I even mopped. I cleaned my room and vaccuumed it. Which is why I was so surprised to see the light on in my room when I came home, and when I opened the door it was like a disaster zone. Obviously the doings of litte miss adorable Dixie.

So why am I mad at my family that my puppy tore up my room? It is a very well established fact that Dixie is not allowed to run freely about my room unless I am home. Most of the time when I am gone she is locked up in her kennel (in my room), and sometimes, increasingly as she has gotten older, she is allowed to run about the house with the other dogs. With my door shut.

I can tell you are still confused, she is my puppy, why isn't she allowed in my room? Well, I have been in a moving around and cleaning process for about a month now. Which means that a lot of stuff is on the floor or in puppy's reach of the floor. She doesn't tear anything up when I am here, so she is allowed in during such times. From the way things are strewn about, it looks almost as if she was put in there with the door closed. Aside from the fact that I had just cleaned, I don't even really care about the mess. She chewed on a couple of books (Freud and Confucius), knocked my hamper over and created general hoopla. She also chewed open a bottle of lotion, which would explain the vomit.

Now we are getting to the key issue. Precisely what I didn't want her to do - get into things that will make her sick. Thank my lucky stars that there was no leftover Easter candy or chocolate lying about. This post would be from a completely different emotion. I found a chewed up box of staples. STAPLES! I don't imagine that those do to well for the canine digestive system.

My point here is that all of these things that happened (or were close to happening, such as the staples) are things that I specifically tried to prevent. I foresaw this happening if she were to be allowed in my room alone, and not only did I not leave her like that, but I also told my father very seriously that she is just not allowed. Matthew said that she was out and about when he got home, so it was clearly my father's doing.

I'm ready to be out of a house in which my property and my wishes are not respected. I am very glad and thankful that I came home to stuff torn up rather than a puppy who died of lotion and staple overdose. But I am really fucking ready to be out of here.

Wednesday, July 6

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Tuesday, July 5

Mexico Digits

26 Dos Equis
12 Cerveza Sol
4 Margaritas
3 Dos Equis Amber
2 Tecate
2 Tequila Sunrise
2 Midori Sour
2 7 & 7
1 Bloody Mary
(Yeah, that's just my list - which my state of mind was not to "altered" to count)

6 Days in a country other than this one
5 Meals of a side of tortillas and a side of rice
4 Couples with whom I spent all of my time (which believe me, can get old real quickly)
4 Days spent out on the beach, playing in the beautiful waves on the warm(the water is probably warmer in Mexico in March than in CA in July) Mexican coast of the Pacific Ocean
3 Walks on the beach just chatting with Steph about everything
2 Close calls to girl fights (which led to mine and Steph's nicknames of Tyson and Ali - I'll let you guess which one I got)
2 Terrible games of volleyball, at minimum assuring that I can play a little bit without my ribs exploding or imploding
2 Meals that made my tummy unhappy
1 Fight with Stephanie over silliness
1 Blackout and 1 Brownout
1 American who I talked to who did not accompany us on our trip (he was pretty damn cute though; we were kind of anti-social)
1 Kayaking trip into the ocean and surfing the waves back to shore
1 Oar to the face during aforementioned kayaking trip
1 Really horrible sunset cruise on a pirate ship (yeah, I said it) that led to many little disasters
1 Lunch overlooking the ocean and 1 dinner from the top of a hill watching the sunset
1 Pretty damn good time