Tuesday, June 7

So stubborn Jessica finally went to get x-rays taken. Two cracked/broken ribs and a chest wall contusion (the muscles in my chest are bruised really badly). I'll survive. The worst part is missing work. Not that I'm really missing it, but I took off a week to go to Mexico, and now am taking time off to recover. And having all kinds of time off, when I don't have to go anywhere or do anything in said time, makes me want to go back even less. I really need to work on finding that gay sugar-daddy I've been talking about.

Other things are good. It will be interesting seeing her more often, considering how much and for how long I have held nothing but distaste and disrespect for her. I will do my best to be civil and respectful of the others around us. We'll see...

Angelina Jolie is hot. And I still don't know that I believe that she's with Brad.

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