Tuesday, February 28

The newest piercing, on both ears.

Wednesday, February 22

I'm ancy. And not just in this particular moment. But in my life in general right now. I'm ready to start actually looking for a career, but the problem is, I don't want one. I love having a flexible schedule and being able to take off time whenever I want. How could I give that up?

I'm so ready for Cuba already. Something needs to happen. Something needs to wake me up from this constant day dream state that I am in.

I want to learn to tango.

Friday, February 17

Stole it from Meg. Do it.
Have a fantastic day! I know I will.

Wednesday, February 15

"It was for Mike, but then I changed my mind. Is that bad?" I love Ashley.

I think that as of tomorrow I will be organizing a strike at the good old Robin. Demands including that managers can't take vacations unless all team members who want it have two days off and/or less than 40 scheduled hours. This should be interesting. I might be looking for a new job soon.

Sunday, February 12

Happy birthday Mollie and Becca, the party was good times!

I officially hate my mom's dogs. And she wants me to train them. The prospect of money is enticing, we'll see how this goes. If I get attacked again, I don't want any "I told you so" attitudes.

"We've been too small for too long." Mary J Blige song that I heard today.

Arizona is really just a little too beautiful to stand this time of year. We should all soak it up, because it wont last that long. But it's beautiful days like this that make us want to live here.

Softball tonight, you should come. I feel like hitting a homerun tonight, or at least a triple. Yeah, that should do.

Those are the random thoughts for now. I'll be back with more.

Thursday, February 9

Myke would be so proud...

Which Disney Princess Are You?


You are bookish but incredibly pretty. Belle was first seen in Beauty and the Beast (1991)

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Friday, February 3

So, holy crap, we still have a lot of beer. We'll just have to do this again sometime.

I can't really explain to anyone who hasn't had poor vision before what this is like. I got back from my follow up, and not even 24 hours later my vision is already better than 20-20. It is amazing, I can see everything!

No work 'til Monday, a fun weekend awaits.

Thursday, February 2

Let's define some roles here. I am a server, not a servant, maid or babysitter. You are a guest, a customer, not my boss. That is all.

Today is the big day. Hooray for eyeballs!