Thursday, April 19

So my migraine medicine works. I was a little nervous, the doctor said that some work for some people while others work for others, with no particular rhyme or reason. You just have to start at the top of the list until you find something that works for you. Fortunately, #1 works for me. It is not a pain reliever, but it actually stops the migraine in its tracks. When you feel the first signs of an impending migraine (for me it's the aura), you take it and hope. It is probably the most awful tasting thing I have ever had, but at least it has a payoff. Kind of like Fear Factor.

For the next six weeks, Arizona will see very little of me. First it's off to North Carolina for work. I'm hoping for some beach time. Then to Jamaica for play. DEFINITELY some beach time. Then to Mexico to be a good person. I will be in Arizona for little over one day in all of these three trips. Love it.

Saturday, April 7

Remember that time that I said I was going to post more? Yeah, about that...

So due to events that some of you have heard stories, I have been a transient for just over a month. I am happy to say that in less than three weeks I should be beginning to settle into a home. My father's house will be vacant at the end of the month and I will be moving in. By myself for now, looking for roommates., although not too aggressively due to last month's happenings. But if you know anyone...

So I've been traveling more for work. And getting more opportunities to do cool stuff. I was on Northern California just last week to do the AV for a manager conference, a repeat of what I did for the one in Phoenix. They said next year they will have me do more of them. I'm finally becoming a blip on the radar among the big dogs of the west coast, and I'm rather ok with that.

I am the proud owner of a new puppy. I know what you're thinking, "Jessica, seriously? Another puppy?" You must remember that just over a month ago I was happily settled in a stable household. He is, by far, the cutest thing, ever. In the history of time. Little Baxter is a Yorkshire terrier, of the runtiest kind. He is wee. When I say wee, I mean he's pushing 4.5 pounds wee. His barks sound like my hiccups. Adorable.

I suppose that is all for now. Hopefully I can commit to posting and updating and whatever more often. But we all know that I'm afraid of commitment.

Wednesday, February 7

Praise Buddha!

More power to these flight attendants! When I first heard this story, it was on the evening news playing in my front room, and I was just listening to it from the other room. I was appalled that the airline kicked off the family because the child was crying. And then I walked into the room to see the story, and saw the girl. The THREE year old girl. And I was happy. These flight attendants have a job to do, and just because it was a small child that was kicked off we should feel bad? If any other demographic refused to get in their seat, they would have been kicked off and it wouldn't have even made the news. The irony of the whole deal is that as I watched it, the parents were on this news program pleading their sob story and at no point during the interview would this girl sit down. Even at her own home her parents couldn't get her to sit still for a 5 minute interview.

As a member of the service industry, I applaud these flight attendants. They were at work. Their job is to get that plane ready to take off safely and on time. They did their job. I have no doubt that during the flight other passengers were rude or inconsiderate to them. It's a big part of working in the service industry. And I'm tired of it.

We have become such a "the customer is always right" society that even manners fall by the wayside. I was at Subway the other day. The lady in front of me was ordering sandwiches for her family, while on the phone, and the workers were trying to get her order right. She wasn't paying attention, so they wrapped up her last sandwich without any condiments because she wasn't responding that she wanted any. She realized that she hadn't told them what she wanted and started yelling, asking them what was on her sandwich if she didn't tell them what she wanted. She kicked and screamed and threw a tantrum as they opened her sandwich back up to put the condiments on. Not once in her experience did she say "please," "thank you" or even project a positive, or even civil, tone. And the Sandwich Artists, who I praise for their work of making yummy delicious meals for me, had to smile, thank her, and invite her back soon.


I work in a restaurant. Recently minimum wage for tipped positions was raised to $3.75 and hour. Before January it was $2.13. I can't count how many times I have heard my fellow service industry members say, "I don't make enough money to put up with this," or "I don't get paid enough to be treated this way." There shouldn't be an "enough" in this case. What is enough money to be looked down upon or yelled at? Is there a price to be treated like less than a person? Not for me. I walk away silently from someone who takes it to that level. I will not e treated that way. I have been yelled at and about (to managers, etc.). I have been stared at, and up and down, scowled at, scoffed at, etc. I have had things thrown at me. All just to make a buck. And I'm sure I haven't even experienced close to the worst of it.

You aren't better than me because you tip me. I'm not better than you because you're rude. You aren't smarter than me because I write down what you say and put it in a computer. I don't work for you. You are not my employer. Your return address isn't on my W2 come January.

A girl I work with tries to deal with rude people by thinking that maybe they're going through a rough time. Again, I call bullshit. There is no excuse to be rude to a perfect stranger because of what you are going through. If you can't summon a smile, "please," "thank you"; if you can't let me finish my sentence before you interrupt me to tell me you'd like a Coke; if you can't listen well enough to know that the response to, "How are you doing today?" is not, "I'll have an iced tea"; don't come out into public. People treat beggars and dogs better than they treat people in the service industry. I have seen it, felt it and watched it happen to others.

And I say bullshit.

Friday, February 2

New layout, new blog.

Blogger has now made it very user friendly to change, rearrange and generally stylize your blog. I attribute this to the phenomenon known as myspace, in its infinite "hot layout" glory. I apprecaite it, because I, unlike David or my other compatriots, have a lack of knowledge when it comes to the subject. I choose the word "knowledge" rather than "ability" because I'm sure that I'm quite able to edit layouts and design my page, but I lack the fundamental knowledge.

Writing. I need to do more of it. Considering my desire to for a career centered around writing, I do it embarassingly little. Maybe for lack of readership, maybe for lack of inspiration, maybe for overabundance of the word "lack". I'm not going to commit in writing to more writing, because if I don't follow through, I might feel bad. That's the beauty of being non-committal. You can't have failed to achieve a goal that was never set. I say this in an "I'm making fun of people who say this because it shows such little ambition and other important nouns to have in life, but secretly I kind of believe it" kind of fashion.

Currently reading Cunt by Inga Muscio and On Writing Well by William Zissner. "Currently reading" will be a new addition to my blog, because to me reading is personal, but only if you share it.