Wednesday, May 26

So I wrote a totally cool, super-awesome, insightful, inspirational, etc. post and when I went to publish it, it disappeared. I am tired, so I am not going to re-write it. So this post is my tribute to the greatest post ever (note: this post is not the greatest post ever, but a tribute to it).


Friday, May 7

You might think that I have fallen off of the face of the earth, that's right, the non-spherical earth.

Well, I did. But luckily we have been playing so much Worms 3-D that I have become proficient with the ninja-rope, and was able to end my fall in one Spiderman-esque swoop. It was a sight to see.

Anyway, I'm back - but don't call it a comeback, I've been here for years.
