Wednesday, February 4

it has been quite an eventful day, or rather i should put it that this week has so far been filled with events that i don't have a tendency to see on a regular basis.

one of the biggest ones is that i quit my job. over three years, and i'm down to just weeks left. it is a strange feeling, but it is something that i need to so. for sanity. or at least for less insanity.

now, not to sound bitter or anything, but the array of valentine's day merchandise is starting to get on my nerves. don't get me wrong, i love the day, the concept. i love (sorry for the blatant usage) the idea of love. but i haven't exactly had a track record for exciting valentine's days, so friends beware, you will be loved on the fourteenth of february, and there isn't a damn thing that you can do about it. ha! i win.

for anyone who did not attend mountain pointe and have mr. barnes as a teacher, he was quite a smart man. he talked about a concept that he calls "academic learned helplessness" in which the instigator of the situation is helpless to the situation. not because they are incapable or retarded, but they have, by practice, learned that being helpless bodes best for accomplishing what they want/need. anyway, it irritates me. if people spent half the time that they spend complaining about a problem fixing that problem, they would do a lot more, and piss me off a lot less.

end rant ...,

wait for it ...,

wait for it ...,

calm down you impatient bastard ...,


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