Friday, December 30

Just some thoughts as the New Year approaches,

Things that I am terrible at:
  • Opening envelopes.
  • Remembering the word "prototype" when I want to use it in a sentence.
  • Hearing.

Things that scare me:
  • Piles of hangers - they're all creepy and disorganized!
  • Ducks, geese and turkeys.
  • Elevators.

Things that creep me out:
  • Touching bananas, they're yummy, but I can't stand touching them.
  • The smell of cold cardboard boxes, ick.

I left open bullet points so that you all can fill in anything that you find overlooked, something that might be sad that it didn't make the cut.

I still need to figure out what to wear to the New Years Eve party, because as of right now it's just going to be my hot shoes and a mask. Although that would be readily accepted by the other partygoers, it might get a bit chilly. We are going to see Cats tonight and I am extremely excited. I also don't know what to wear to that. I am going to pull off some stylin' magic in the next 36 hours.

Wednesday, December 21

Praise Zeus that we know who the carver is! Don't worry Joey, I wont tell you. I wlil say though that last night's episode was the most stressful tv watching experience of my life. I survived though, aren't you proud of me?

Also, the club has a name. Strut.

Friday, December 16

Wow. Mucho love to everybody.

Wednesday, December 14

Dear Ashley (with whom I live):

I miss you. I am sad that I see you for approximately 1 hour a week. :( . I think that that will come up as a mad emoticon when I actually hit post, but it's supposed to be a sad face.

Sad Face

Monday, December 12

The Land of Disney was great. Pictures to come. We rode the rides, ate the eats and had generally a grand time, except when Jakers needed to eat. Updated Space Mountain rocks your world. Sorry Jodi and Josh that I didn't call, but after 14 hours of running around in D Land, and having to leave for Phoenix at 4:00 a.m., all I was thinking about was sleep. We will catch each other soon!

Thursday, December 8

Disneyland or bust! This should be fun, and I hope to return with stories. Stories that will be told after the 12 hours that I have to work on Saturday. Have fun not being in Disneyland everyone :)

Tuesday, December 6

The right gesture from the wrong one. I'm not sure how I feel about this yet.

Monday, December 5

I'm turning into an old lady. Ashley and I spent the evening after watching our picture stories in the recliners knitting. Meg taught me how to knit about a year ago, and that's about how long it's been since I have done it. It should be interesting to see how it turns out. I'm not going to say what I'm making yet, I'll wait and see what it turns out to be before I decide what it is. Also, the soundtrack to Love Actually is very good.