Thursday, November 9

Christmas in November?

So since when is Christmas the next holiday after Halloween?

It seems to me this year that advertisers tried to get a jump on the competition by starting their campaigning before the trick-or-treaters even got home. They thought that if they started early, they might get some early gift card sales and people would by in. Either the same advertising firm works for everyone, or everyone had the same idea. November first employees pulled down the Halloween decorations and rather than put up turkeys, here comes Santa Claus. And it makes me want to vomit.

Thank goodness the music hasn't started yet, because I don't know that I could handle the 47.5 different versions of Jingle Bells running through my world for the next two months. The nationally recognized day for Christmas season to start is the day after Thanksgiving. Everyone knows it. Come on now people, at least give Veteran's Day its due.

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