Saturday, June 11

A few weeks later, and I still don't know if it was a good decision or not. Right now it just seems to be a neutral one, I guess I'll find out.

I got sent home from work yesterday. For the first time in a while too. But this time I didn't get sent home for "being a bitch" (which I kind of was the other time), but because I was in so much pain. I work a double today, so we shall see how this goes.

With my new-found afternoon off, I basked in the sun and finished my latest book, How to Make Love Like a Porn Star; A Cautionary Tale by Jenna Jameson (and Neil something). I highly recommend the read. You all have heard me say it, it makes me want to be just like her without the stripping and f#cking on film. Really, it's a tremendous book, easy read and quite well written. She doesn't try to paint herself as the victim nor the victor, it's just good ok, trust me.

Now that I am back into a good reading rythym and have no school and little work as distraction, I will move onto the many other books that line my shelves that I have been hiding from. It helps that my friends are in San Fransisco and that I can't drive anywhere. But anyway, I shall try to provide a book review for my readership in decent time intervals, hopefully weekly, or less.

Now that I have worn out my comma button, I shall bid you all adieu to finish cleaning my house and then probably go cause a ruckus.

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