Sunday, June 19

My fantasy baseball team sucks. Really bad. I think that I am 44-56 right now. Holy shit, my team is not good. It also helps that I have a zillion injured players. I'm exaggerating and you don't care about this shit anyhow.

I am battling with a "choice" that I have. I was sentenced 10 days in jail, 9 of them being suspended based upon my completion of alcohol classes. I have to go to a screening (in the end of July!) so that this company can evaluate me and see what I "need". After they see what I "need", I do it. I have friends who have "needed" two classes a week for upwards of a year(at 20 bucks a pop+some silly base fee). It all, to me, seems a little ridiculous. So I have been thinking, that, although it really isn't a great option, it might make more sense to just do the other 9 days in jail. I did my one already(see the last post), I think that I could handle 9 more. Obviously it would be different, I did my one at Tempe City Jail, but if I did 9, I would go to Tent City. It really seems like it makes a lot more sense to just do the 9 days, but then again, it's jail, and what girl (who is quite girly, but full of "bad-assness"[thanks Guillermo!]) wants to voluntarily go to jail more than she has to?

This is really fucking hilarious.

Talk amongst yourselves.

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