Tuesday, July 5

Mexico Digits

26 Dos Equis
12 Cerveza Sol
4 Margaritas
3 Dos Equis Amber
2 Tecate
2 Tequila Sunrise
2 Midori Sour
2 7 & 7
1 Bloody Mary
(Yeah, that's just my list - which my state of mind was not to "altered" to count)

6 Days in a country other than this one
5 Meals of a side of tortillas and a side of rice
4 Couples with whom I spent all of my time (which believe me, can get old real quickly)
4 Days spent out on the beach, playing in the beautiful waves on the warm(the water is probably warmer in Mexico in March than in CA in July) Mexican coast of the Pacific Ocean
3 Walks on the beach just chatting with Steph about everything
2 Close calls to girl fights (which led to mine and Steph's nicknames of Tyson and Ali - I'll let you guess which one I got)
2 Terrible games of volleyball, at minimum assuring that I can play a little bit without my ribs exploding or imploding
2 Meals that made my tummy unhappy
1 Fight with Stephanie over silliness
1 Blackout and 1 Brownout
1 American who I talked to who did not accompany us on our trip (he was pretty damn cute though; we were kind of anti-social)
1 Kayaking trip into the ocean and surfing the waves back to shore
1 Oar to the face during aforementioned kayaking trip
1 Really horrible sunset cruise on a pirate ship (yeah, I said it) that led to many little disasters
1 Lunch overlooking the ocean and 1 dinner from the top of a hill watching the sunset
1 Pretty damn good time

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