Wednesday, July 27

What a delightful day.

I had the day off today so that I could go to my substance abuse screening appointment, as per court order, to find out how many hours of classes I need to take as deemed by a counselor who decides how fucked up you are. Apparently I'm not too bad, because I was only assigned 16 hours, which will be taken over a course of two Sundays. Looks like it's a good thing that I wasn't able to do the other 9 days in jail. I was pleasantly surprised by what she gave me because the shortest amount of classes I have ever seen anyone get in the City of Tempe is about 8 months worth of them. Yay!

For those of you who know me even the slightest will not have to guess why I enjoyed this movie so much. I hadn't even heard of it until I went to check movie times. My brother also had the day off today, so we went to a matinee movie.

I spent a bit of my evening at Coffee Society drinking scrumptious chai and reading more about South America.

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