Friday, September 9

I don't really know what I have been up to lately that has made me so busy. But I am hardly ever home, and usually when I get here, all I want to do is sleep. It's weird to think of all of those semesters in which I worked this much and was taking six or seven classes. I slept about two to three hours a night and was never phased by it. Now it seems like if I don't get eight hours that I am useless and will need a nap. Maybe my body was just very understanding and patient in school and knew that I could only have so much sleep, and that it would have a chance in the near future to sleep oodles. That time would seem to be now.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that made me quite mad for it's stupidity. Maybe someone can explain. It said "God Would Be Pro-Life." There are two things wrong here. God "would" be, this implies that the almighty He either doesn't exist or is dead. As to say, "if there was a God, he would probably be pro-life." This bumper sticker was most likely placed on the car by an extremely religious (most likely Catholic) pro-lifer. And then secondly, and most annoyingly, those who want to bring God into these arguments, like I said, are most likely Catholic, or subscribe to some sect of Christianity. Christianity has always prided itself in the selling point that God gave us free will. Free will is the freedom to choose. So it only makes sense to me that God would be pro-choice. The almighty He wouldn't give us free will and boast about it just to prefer that we not have the legal freedom to use it.

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