Saturday, April 7

Remember that time that I said I was going to post more? Yeah, about that...

So due to events that some of you have heard stories, I have been a transient for just over a month. I am happy to say that in less than three weeks I should be beginning to settle into a home. My father's house will be vacant at the end of the month and I will be moving in. By myself for now, looking for roommates., although not too aggressively due to last month's happenings. But if you know anyone...

So I've been traveling more for work. And getting more opportunities to do cool stuff. I was on Northern California just last week to do the AV for a manager conference, a repeat of what I did for the one in Phoenix. They said next year they will have me do more of them. I'm finally becoming a blip on the radar among the big dogs of the west coast, and I'm rather ok with that.

I am the proud owner of a new puppy. I know what you're thinking, "Jessica, seriously? Another puppy?" You must remember that just over a month ago I was happily settled in a stable household. He is, by far, the cutest thing, ever. In the history of time. Little Baxter is a Yorkshire terrier, of the runtiest kind. He is wee. When I say wee, I mean he's pushing 4.5 pounds wee. His barks sound like my hiccups. Adorable.

I suppose that is all for now. Hopefully I can commit to posting and updating and whatever more often. But we all know that I'm afraid of commitment.


Guillermo said...

Why didn't you name your dog after one of the penguins on Happy Feet? Why?! Why?!

jess said...

Upon reflection...

I'm not sure that he's a "Ramon" and definitely not a "Mumble". Plus if I gave him a Spanish name people would be all, "Nacho and now this? Why don't you just move a few hundred miles south?"