Monday, August 15

This afternoon I had what I believe to be my first encounter with a migraine. And wow, I never want to do that again. I have only really ever had an extremely painful headache two other times in my life. Once, in third grade, after recess, my teacher was reading us a story and I was crying quietly because my head hurt so bad. Turned out that I had the flu. During spring of the following year, my friends and I had rode our bikes to the 7-Eleven by us and I had to go home immediately, couldn't wait for them, because of a headache. Turned out that I had the flu.

Today I got home from my morning shift at work planning to go back to work a shift at night for a friend. I was cleaning and started seeing spots. I thought that it was just from moving around so much, and there were a bunch of lights on in the house, etc. I was having trouble seeing fully out of my right eye. I was le tired, so I had a nap, figuring that my vision would be up and running properly when I woke up. But oh the pain in my head when I woke up. Weird, the eye thing was still going on too. Weird. I tried all of my usual get rid of headache tricks - pop my neck and back, take Advil, apply pressure. Nothing. It wouldn't go away. Oh well, I didn't have time to deal with it, I had to go to work. At work, things were no better. My head hurt, who knows what was going on with my eyes, and then I started feeling like I was going to pass out. My depth perception was off and I barely felt like I had the strength to carry out a soda pop to one of my tables.

At this point, the lovely Brittany took notice to my odd behavior and told our manager that she ought to send me home, that they would do fine without me. I had my pops come pick me up because I had no idea what was going on with my body and figured that I was in no condition to drive. Trying to think of what might be wrong, I remembered seeing Brian go through some similar symptoms with his migraines. I asked the internet who replied, "You have a migraine silly girl!" Since I had already taken a nap earlier, I couldn't really fall asleep, but I knew that staying in the dark was the key to my relief. Then I remembered the percoset that I still have from the fall(see June posts if you are clueless). I woke up a few hours later feeling a little tingly, but with my vision restored and my head back to normal. I couldn't imagine the people who get migraines for days. How utterly awful.

Well, that's the exciting news of the day. Oh, and if I haven't mentioned it, my fantasy baseball team is not good. It is actually rather terrible.

And next week = Ashley!

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