Tuesday, March 2

last time on tales of a traveling gypsy:

"tuesday is my last day. i wouldn't be surprised if i have already mentioned that. but i am excited."

"i looked 'like an ASU girl'."

"find the opportunity."

now back to today's episode *fun jingle song that's like, "hey, jessica's cool, yeah!"*

today is the day. we'll see how that goes and i'm sure i will update on the strange feeling of non-jobness. i'm sorry if you all think that i am dwelling on this, but you have to understand (for those of you who aren't FULLY aware) of the effects that this job has had on my life. i grew up with that crew. a lot of firsts. so there are social and emotional implications that today carry. so quit your bitching. and if you don't like it, don't read it.

one of my many pet peeves is people who complain about things that they get for free. for example, if you do not like the selection of music that a particular radio station plays, why on earth would you call and try to tell them what music to play and how to run their business. a listener doesn't really have any say, YOU GET IT FOR FREE! advertisers might have a little more room in bitching, but either way, the station should not adapt. unless they are playing some crazy music that no one listens to, so therefore no advertisers buy time, so therefore the station flounders. but for those people who call and say shit like, "i listened ALL day and you played FOUR britney spears song, you should play less of her, and more hip-hop," YOU ARE AN ASS. first of all, if you don't agree with their music selection, STOP LISTENING, changing the station is in your power. your radio station is not cosmically predetermined, so shut the fuck up, eat your McDonald's, and try your mightiest to fall off the face of the earth. i'd sure appreciate the effort.

i think that i am an angry person.

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