Sunday, October 17

I feel old.

In less than two weeks, I will bid farewell to the teenage years.

But that's not what I mean. My body feels old. I have been fairly active lately, getting in as much volleyball, softball and the gym as I can.

But I am now feeling:
Tendonitis in knees and ankles (old softball injury that flares up every once in a while)
Shin splints
A bruised shin bone (from that guy at volleyball a few weeks ago)
A pained tail-bone (from a TERRIBLE slide in softball last week)
A sore wrist (from volleyball?)

I'm tired and in pain. And I haven't even started my 20's yet. At this rate, I'm scared of my 30's and 40's, I might be held together with duct tape. Although, ... that might not be too bad...

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